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匹配条件: “Valderrama Sandoval” ,找到相关结果约2374条。
Conciencia moral: ampliando su aplicación en salud. Aspectos teóricos y prácticos de los juicios de conciencia en Chile
Valderrama Sandoval,Antonieta; López Barreda,Rodrigo;
Acta bioethica , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S1726-569X2011000200004
Abstract: generally, conscience is understood as an individual and subjective character of human being; nevertheless, recently its rational character has been highlighted and subjected to external evaluation criteria. the application of moral conscience judgments is transversal to all health care fields, even in daily relations with patients. health care professionals conscience objection has been criticized because it could neglect professional responsibility; nevertheless, to follow an honest conscience is a moral duty for all, independently of role fulfilled in a certain moment. to prevent to do it means to damage autonomy and moral integrity of who seeks to act in conscience.
Conciencia moral: ampliando su aplicación en salud. Aspectos teóricos y prácticos de los juicios de conciencia en Chile Consciência moral: ampliando sua aplica o em saúde. Aspectos teóricos e práticos dos juízos de consciência no país Moral conscience: widening its application in health. Theoretical and practical issues of moral judgment in Chile
Antonieta Valderrama Sandoval,Rodrigo López Barreda
Acta Bioethica , 2011,
Abstract: La conciencia se entiende habitualmente como un aspecto individual y subjetivo del ser humano; sin embargo, recientemente se ha destacado su carácter racional y sujeto a criterios externos de evaluación. La aplicación de los juicios de la conciencia moral es transversal a todos los campos de la atención en salud, incluso en la relación cotidiana con los pacientes. La objeción de conciencia de los profesionales de la salud ha sido criticada porque podría faltar a la responsabilidad profesional; no obstante, seguir la conciencia recta es una obligación moral para todos, independiente del rol que se cumpla en un determinado momento. Impedir hacerlo es lesionar la autonomía e integridad moral de quien busca actuar en conciencia. A consciência é entendida habitualmente como um aspecto individual e subjetivo do ser humano; entretanto, recentemente se tem destacado seu caráter racional e sujeito a critérios externos de avalia o. A aplica o dos juízos da consciência moral é transversal a todos os campos da aten o em saúde, inclusive na rela o cotidiana com os pacientes. A obje o de consciência dos profissionais de saúde tem sido criticada porque esta poderia faltar com a responsabilidade profissional; n o obstante, seguir a consciência reta é uma obriga o moral para todos, independente do papel que se cumpra num determinado momento. Impedir fazê-lo é lesar a autonomia e a integridade moral de quem busca atuar com consciência. Generally, conscience is understood as an individual and subjective character of human being; nevertheless, recently its rational character has been highlighted and subjected to external evaluation criteria. The application of moral conscience judgments is transversal to all health care fields, even in daily relations with patients. Health care professionals conscience objection has been criticized because it could neglect professional responsibility; nevertheless, to follow an honest conscience is a moral duty for all, independently of role fulfilled in a certain moment. To prevent to do it means to damage autonomy and moral integrity of who seeks to act in conscience.
Influence of Conservation Tillage and Soil Water Content on Crop Yield in Dryland Compacted Alfisol of Central Chile
Martinez G,Ingrid; Ovalle,Carlos; Del Pozo,Alejandro; Uribe,Hamil; Valderrama V,Natalia; Prat,Christian; Sandoval,Marco; Fernández,Fernando; Zagal,Erick;
Chilean journal of agricultural research , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-58392011000400018
Abstract: chilean dryland areas of the mediterranean climate region are characterized by highly degraded and compacted soils, which require the use of conservation tillage systems to mitigate water erosion as well as to improve soil water storage. an oat (avena sativa l. cv. supernova-inia) - wheat (triticum aestivum l. cv. pandora-inia) crop rotation was established under the following conservation systems: no tillage (nt), nt + contour plowing (nt+cp), nt + barrier hedge (nt+bh), and nt + subsoiling (nt+sb), compared to conventional tillage (ct) to evaluate their influence on soil water content (swc) in the profile (10 to 110 cm depth), the soil compaction and their interaction with the crop yield. experimental plots were established in 2007 and lasted 3 yr till 2009 in a compacted alfisol. at the end of the growing seasons, swc was reduced by 44 to 51% in conservation tillage systems and 60% in ct. soil water content had a significant (p < 0.05) interaction with tillage system and depth; nt+sb showed lower swc between 10 to 30 cm, but higher and similar to the rest between 50 to 110 cm except for ct. although, swc was higher in conservation tillage systems, the high values on soil compaction affected yield. no tillage + subsoiling reduced soil compaction and had a significant increment of grain yield (similar to ct in seasons 2008 and 2009). these findings show us that the choice of conservation tillage in compacted soils of the mediterranean region needs to improve soil structure to obtain higher yields and increment swc.
El carácter nacional y la psicología de los pueblos en América Latina
Pablo Valderrama
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología , 1986,
Abstract: Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de dar a conocer las obras de Psicología de los Pueblos elaboradas por algunos intelectuales latinoamericanos. Se vconsíderan como contribuciones pioneras en la especialidad. Se describen algunos antecedentes de esta corriente: Federico Hegel, Gustav Le Bon y Hebert Spencer. Asimismo se hacen comentarios sobre la insuficiencia de las actuales historias de la psicología social y/o transcul tural. Después de hacer estos se alamientos sobre posibles causas del origen latinoamericano de los estudios sobre el carácter nacional, se describen someramente las investigaciones realizadas en Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador y México. Sobresalen los nombres de Carlos Octavio Bunge, José María Ramos Mejía, Alcides Arguedas, Alfredo Espinosa Tamayo, Francisco Bulnes y Ezequiel A. Chávez
Poisonous animals in Latin America Animales ponzo osos en Latinoamérica
Rafael Valderrama
Biomédica , 2010,
International Law , 2011,
Abstract: the construction and maintenance of infrastructure has been identified as one of the main tools for economic development in colombia. this requires huge amounts of investment. recent economic studies in developing countries, such as colombia, have shown that great part of infrastructure projects are financed through investment coming from the private sector. of this, more than half constitutes foreign direct investment. colombia has recently adopted apolicy ofopenness towards foreign investment. through international investment agreements, colombia has committed to protect foreign investment following certain international obligations and standards. great part of the foreign investment needed for the development of infrastructure in colombia will fall under such investment agreements, and will thus be protected by the obligations agreed upon under said agreements. this paper seeks to describe how the actual obligations committed by colombia are not always clear, and sometimes they introduce new concepts that are not well known in colombian law. this is the case, respectively, of the "fair and equitable treatment" and "indirect expropriation". colombia should have caution in its governance offoreign investment, with a view of reducing the risk of being challenged under international arbitration that may result in multimillion disputes; even more in this era of financing projects through foreign direct investment.
Preparación de un Artículo para ser Publicado en la Revista Internacional Formación Universitaria
Valderrama,José O;
Formación universitaria , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-50062010000100006
Abstract: some reflections and recommendations on how to organize, to structure and to submit a manuscript to be considered for publication in the journal formación universitaria or other journals with similar scope and subjects are presented. this papers summarizes some concepts presented by the author in a previous communication and discusses some general aspects on articles that are not necessarily based on scientific research but belong to the so-called documented reflection. this type of articles is acceptable in formación universitaria but it is required to include appropriate documentation, similar to that requested in any other main stream journal. this is because it is the documentation that gives the "scientific" support to the article. it is concluded ion the need that authors must follow the instructions for authors established by the journal and by the international community if they want that their papers have good impact once they are published.
Impacto de los cambios de precios relativos en pobreza y desigualdad en Colombia: 1998-2007
Lasso Valderrama,Francisco Javier;
Ensayos sobre POLíTICA ECONóMICA , 2008,
Abstract: based on the estimation of plutocratic and democratic price indexes for colombia, through individual inflation, i found evidence of the anti-poor effect of relative price shifts occurred between december 1998 and december 2007 and its regressivity with respect to income distribution. in 2001, 2002 and 2007 where the annual increases in food prices were above the national average, the inflation was regressive with regard to the income distribution. on the contrary, in 2000 and 2003 food inflation was below the national level and was progressive with regard to income distribution. on average, an increase of 3.5% in food prices, keeping other prices constant, national inflation increases by 1%, generating an increase of 0.62 percentage points in poverty and 0.14 percentage points in extreme poverty. in relative terms, extreme poverty increases by 2.9% while poverty only reaches 1.6%.
?Rumores, miedo o epidemia? La peste de 1913 y 1914 en la costa atlántica de Colombia
Márquez Valderrama, Jorge;
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-59702001000200007
Abstract: by the end of the 1800s , international trade and steam navigation made way for the third bubonic plague pandemy, which started in china in 1891 and reached america in 1898. this calamity apparently arrived in colombia's coast between 1913 and 1915, during the apex of pasteur medicine. the deficiencies of colombian public scientific and sanitary apparat, concerning the emerging bacteriology and epidemiology, prevented the government and the medical body from reacting against the fear and rummor of epidemy, which negatively affected the trade. the authorities were also unable to fight this problem with adequate diagnosis, enferms treatment, urban sanitation, and isolation of infected places. these difficulties led to a confrontation between the government and the medical body, inciting an argument about the existence of the plague. this discussion was settled by the north american official medicine that, in its verdict, gave preference to the commercial interests of the united states, ignoring the sanitary urgencies of the colombian atlantic coast.
Principales Aspectos sobre la Preparación de un Artículo para ser Publicado en una Revista Internacional de Corriente Principal
Valderrama,J. O.;
Información tecnológica , 2005, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-07642005000200002
Abstract: some reflexions and recommendations on how to organize, to structure and to submit a manuscript to an editor for publication in a main stream journal, such as the isi and scielo journals, are presented. some of the most relevant aspects related to the title of an article, the abstract, the introduction, the body of the paper, the conclusions and the references, are discussed. some examples on how to write each of these parts and recommendations on how to solve some common problems found during the preparation of a manuscript, are given. the topics discussed could make a manuscript more attractive to referees and editors, who get the first impression by the presentation and organization of the manuscript, to go next to the details. it is concluded that it is necessary that authors must be careful in fulfilling some minimum rules of ethics and quality accepted by the international community if they want their papers to have the expected positive impact.

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